Winter Learn to Swim Level 6
Covington Aquatic Center • 18230 SE 240th Street Covington, WA 98042 Organized by City of Covington Parks and RecreationAbout this event
We're sorry, but this activity is over. The last meeting was Sunday, February 23, 2025.
What Happens in Learn-to-Swim Level 6 - Fitness Swimmer?Learn-to-Swim Level 6's objectives is to refine strokes, so participants swim them with greater efficiency and effectiveness over longer distances. Floatation devices, such as kickboards and pull buoys are included as well as weighted diving objects, such as a diving brick, swim paddles, and fins.
Learn-to-Swim Level 6 includes skills such as:
- Front crawl (at least 100 yards)
- Elementary backstroke (at least 100 yards)
- Back crawl (at lest 50 yards)
- Breaststroke (at least 50 yards)
- Sidestroke (at least 50 yards)
- Butterfly (at least 50 yards)
- Front crawl open turn (while swimming)
- Back crawl open turn (while swimming )
- Front flip turn (while swimming)
- Backstroke flip turn (while swimming)
- Sidestroke open turn (while swimming)
- Butterfly open turn (while swimming)
- Breaststroke open turn (while swimming)
- Surface dive and retrieve an object from the bottom (in water at least 7 to 10 feet deep)
- Circle swimming
- Using a pace clock
- Using a pull buoy while swimming (at least 25 yards)
- Using fins while swimming (at least 25 yards)
- Using paddles while swimming (at least 25 yards)
- Describe how to set up and exercise program
- Demonstrate various training techniques
- Calculate target heart rate
- Demonstrate aquatic exercise
It is common for children to participate in several sessions of Learn to Swim Level 6 before they successfully demonstrate each skill. That is okay! It is not important how quickly they move through a level, but that they acquire each skill. Once participant complete Learn-to-Swim Level 6 they may want to continue with Learn to Swim Level 6 to further refine their strokes or are eligible to participate in our Competitive Swimming.
To be able to progress to the next level, the participant must be able to do all the skills above including the exit skills assessment prior to the last day of class.
Parents and guardians must stay off the pool deck during swim lessons and not attempt to coach their swimmer based on what they observe during lessons. All are expected to observe sessions from the elevated spectator area, keeping the pool deck clear of non-participants. Please note that we do not allow any person to climb on or through the railings. Accessibility accommodations should be requested through the front desk and discussed with the instructor as well.
For safety reasons, wet bodies are not allowed in the spectator area. Swimmers may dry off completely on deck or in a locker room before being seated in the spectator area.
Please note that by registering for this activity, you are agreeing to our Covington Parks and Recreation Release and Hold Harmless Agreement:
In the absence of a signature, registration for the program, payment of fees and/or participation in the program(s) or activity(ies) shall constitute acceptance of the conditions set forth in this release. I agree to indemnify, release, and hold harmless the City of Covington, all of its officers, agents, volunteers, and employees, from any and all liability(ies) for injuries, claims, costs, losses, or damages to persons (including, but not limited to, illness (including, but not limited to, COVID-19 and its variants, viruses, diseases, infection, and/or any and all other communicable diseases), permanent disability, and/or death) or property, that result from, arise out of or are in any way, directly or indirectly, connected with the use of City of Covington owned or operated facilities, City of Covington sponsored events or programs, or that may be the result of or related in any way to any negligence or other acts or omissions of the City of Covington, its officers, agents, employees or volunteers. I grant full permission to use any photographs, video tapes or any other record of this program for any City of Covington informational or promotional use. I am agreeing to these terms on behalf of, and they are binding on myself, my family, and my heirs, beneficiaries, personal representatives, and estate.
Non-Sufficient Fund (NSF) Check Policy: An NSF check processing fee will be imposed for all returned checks and could result in refusal of future participation.
Winter Learn to Swim Level 6 #1136.00.0000
Age and Gender
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