Crazy Action Contraptions: 2nd-5th Your student will have the chance to be creative and get a little wacky! Students will be introduced in the first 5 weeks basic engineering concepts and create simple builds in weeks 6-14. LEGO Technic pieces that come together to create movable, steerable, controlled robots. Students will engage in a group four with assigned roles that rotate weekly. Instructor – He or she reads the out the parts needed for the builds. Engineer - He or she will look for the parts that the instructor reads out loud. Builder – He or she is responsible for building the robot. Cross Checker - He or she helps the builder and gets to drive the robot. Your student’s imagination can go “wild” with ideas on how to create even more complicated, crazy, mechanical wonders. With motors, gears, pulleys, wheels of various sizes, and tons of other cool LEGO pieces. Students will be provided with a creative tool kit to design their bots and challenging activities!
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