Fees Include Room, Board, Tuition & Social Activities. Does not include travel from Rochester Airport or Syracuse Airport to the institute located at Cornell University (1 hour shuttle) $250 nonrefundable deposit, unless you require financial aid. Sliding scale tuition. NASA Award Winning DIGIVATIONS XGENS for ages 13-17 2024 summer pre-collegiate academies of exponential thinking at Cornell University encompassing natural beauty especially Cayuga Lake and Ithaca, NY “gorges”. Consistent with its mission to “Inspire the Next Generation of Innovators” and through hands-on investigation of the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals, especially Environmentalism, Equity, Food And Water Security, Sustainable Infrastructure, Future of Work With Purpose And Reduce Poverty and Social Injustice, DIGIVATIONS XGENS will prepare students to acquire and apply foundational interdisciplinary knowledge solving SDG targets, focusing on four ‘levers’ that are important agents of change necessary to attain achievement of the Goals by 2030: 1) governance, 2) economy and finance, 3) individual and collective action, and 4) science and technology. Also includes activities from Harry Potter Sustainable Universe, including Role Playing as Ambassadors & Delegates Solving Challenges to the Earth & Preparing to Succeed at the United Nations. Magic * Quidditch * Spells * Larping or other fandoms. Academy includes hiking, lake time, art, creative writing and music training by renown faculty. Certificate of Academic Completion and Community Service Credit. www.XGENS.org. As a participant in our summer program, youth ages 14+ have the opportunity to participate as a member of the DIGIVATIONS XGENS DELEGATION during the year at Harvard and Yale MUNs. Our Delegates receive reduced registration fees, preferred country matrix assignments and enhanced plenary/conference speaking.
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