DIGIVATIONS INSTITUTE www.campdemigod.org July 6-26 (3 weeks), Ages 9-17 (10 STUDENTS PER WEEK) (Students Choose their Camp Concentration from Percy Jackson, Harry Potter Universe, Camp Fandom) DIGIVATIONS@Cornell is a camp and academy fusion where literary and media themes incorporating live action role playing (LARPING) serve as the key vehicle for students through which they learn from international faculty/Nobel Laureate, industry experts and graduate students with visits to Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art; Cornell’s High Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS); Cornell’s Spacecraft Planetary Image Facility; Laboratory of Orinthology, the Dairy Bar, and the Botanical Gardens. ONE WEEK SESSIONS - Sliding Scale Tuition - Payment plan offered. Tuition includes optional semi-private instruction topics based on your child's interests: Advanced Technologies (Creative Tech includes coding & AI), Music Composition, Martial Arts, Fine Art, Film Making, Creative Writing, Group Innovation Seminars and ESL. Parents may also purchase merchandise, such as, additional and delux sword & personalized costume materials, Camp Store Credit (to buy Drachmas: Greek Money), and more! $250 nonrefundable deposit. We suggest $25 cash or credit card a week for Individual purchases in College Town (treats). Please call Drs. Anne & Steve Berman for any questions at 650-283-5440.
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