About This Activity
We're sorry, but this activity is over. The last meeting was Saturday, March 8, 2025.
This is a youth basketball league for boys & girls ages 5-6 that focuses on building character, teamwork and FUN-damental basketball skills. League fee covers all games and reversible mesh jersey. Registration runs till January 11, 2025. Practices will start the end of January (once per week) and games will be played in February and March (once or twice per week). Practices will continue once per week through the season.Coed ages 5-6 and Girls ages 7-12Basketball registration runs through Jan. 11th, 2025.Age Verification (for Parents): Participants must be 7 years of age by December 31, 2024 and must not turn 13 by December 31, 2024.
Age Verification Chart as of December 31, 2024:Born in 2018-19 / 5-6 Age GroupBorn in 2016-17 / 7-8 Age GroupBorn in 2014-15 / 9-10 Age GroupBorn in 2012-13 / 11-12 Age GroupBorn in 2009, 2010 & 2011 / 13-15 Age Group
Late registrations can be accepted if space is available.
League dates may vary due to inclement weather.
For detailed information call Hall Gym at 704-638-5289.
Youth Basketball Co-Ed Coaches/Parents 2024-25 Dates to Remember:Registration Youth Basketball Co-Ed (ages 5-6): Through January 11, 2025Register Online at www.salisburync.gov/play or at Hall Gym. Late Registration will be accepted if space is available.
COACHES: All coaches will be background checked
Monday, January 27th: First Week of Practice (Your Coach will let you know the time): Practices will continue throughout season unless needed to play games. Teams practice once a week.
Sat., Feb. 8th Coed 5-6 - First Regular Season Games Begin*Practices will continue at regular times once games start
Saturday, February 15: Picture Day at Hall Gym. * Picture Packets and times will be passed out with Jerseys
Saturday, March 8 - Last Regular Season Games.
Coaches don't forget to sign-up for one (1) practice time for weekdays (Monday - Thursday). For further information call 704-638-5289, or come by Hall Gym.
Remember that weekday practice times will continue once season begins (unless games during week).
If you have not been called by January 27 about practice, call Hall Gym Staff at 704-638-5289.
Dates are subject to change due to weather etc...
Our goal is to teach youth the game of basketball, promoting good sportsmanship, fair play, and recreational enjoyment for all participants. Winning is not everything in our league, having fun while learning the game will be emphasized. Basketball is a team sport made up of 10 individuals per team, working together to accomplish their goals.
Please view and print the following documents (right hand side of the webpage) that include Age Group Rule Sheets and the Parent / Guardian Code of Conduct. This information is important to have to know about league information and draft dates. Can call 704-638-5289 if you have any questions.
Activity Secondary Category
Hall Gymnasium
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