We have to keep things really simple for ALL levels of youth players. We do not want to restrict creative activity and thoughts, but at the same time we want to teach the game and certain thoughts early on. To do this we start the diamond. We all know what the diamond shape looks like. It has four points, one at the top, one on each side, left and right, and one at the bottom.
So, assuming the ball is starting at the bottom point, nearest our goal, we want to get the ball to the HIGHEST point, which is the top, near the opponent's goal. If that pass is available and safe, that is the one we make (Option No. 1). If not, we pass it left or right to the open player (Option No. 2 and 3). Now that player should try and get it to the TOP of the diamond. If not they simply pass it back or across. This continues until we can get the ball to the highest point. The shape of this game naturally teaches what the coach wants to teach--three passing directions. Forward, sideways and back.
This is especially important near the midfield. You'll constantly hear coaches preaching to their players, "Keep the ball, play simple, find feet" and more. Often the team that can control the midfield is the one that has the most success. Having MANY options is critical to players in the midfield.