Please contact Isabella Bird Community School to Register. NOT OPEN TO ONLINE REGISTRATION THROUGH THIS SITE. Instead of just one sport, you get to try them all! Join HERO Kids Sports once per week for your favorite games including HERO Home Run Baseball, Touchdown Football, Slap Shot Hockey, Spike Volleyball, HERO GO Track & Field, HERO Soccer, HERO Gymnastics, HERO Basketball and more! Each week, we will focus on the fundamentals of the specific sport through ready positions, dribbling, shooting, receiving, scoring, bumps, long jumps, and HERO games. A central focus in our teaching technique is to encourage listening skills throughout our classes as well as how to work & play as a TEAM including values such as sharing, supporting, taking turns and encouraging one another! If you have any questions please contact our HERO Administrative Team: 720-593-8409 *All payments are final - makeup days or program credits will be provided in the event of inclement weather. HERO Kids Sports LLC * fees are not associated with HERO Kids Sports. Check us out at and our social media accounts, Facebook and Instagram: @HEROKidSports
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