Prerequisites: • Students must be at least 15 years of age by the 1st day of class. • Students must be able to make all class dates and times. • Students must be physically ready to: o Swim 300 yards continuously o Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs o Complete a timed event within 1 minute 40 seconds by starting in the water swimming 20 yards surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point, then exit the water without using steps or a ladder. • Students should bring to the class: o food, drink, 2 towels, bathing suit, text, CPR Mask (daily) The Course: • The Course is limited to 24 individuals. 1st come 1st served. There is an online portion of the course which should be completed before the first meeting. • Schedule: Thursday April 24 9am – 5 pm Pool and Classroom Friday April 25 9 am – 5 pm Pool and Classroom Saturday April 26 9 am – 1 pm Pool and Classroom and testing ***A student may not miss any of the classroom or pool time. • Cost of full course: $230.00 o Includes: The Red Cross Lifeguarding text, CPR Mask, and certification cards How to enroll: • When your check has been received you are “officially” in the class. You will receive an email with instructions to complete the online portion. o Checks should be made payable to Gordon Amato. • After class enrollment has closed, the instructor(s) will purchase the Books and CPR Masks. Books will be given out at least one week prior to the start of class and it is the responsibility of the student to have read the 1st 4 chapters of the book prior to the start of class. • Students should contact the instructor(s), not parents. If the student is not responsible enough to be in touch with Mr. Amato or Mr. Pierce
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