Who: Individuals with autism who attend I.C. Norcom High School OR Churchland Middle School OR Churchland High School OR William E Waters Middle School What: FACT will provide staff and transportation from the participants respected school, to FACT's Autism Resource Center, then to the participants home on Tuesday evening's. While at the resource center, participants will rotate thru stations of play/snack/ and homework if homework is sent home. Participants will be able to play in the sensory gym, the 1/2 court basketball gym, and utilize our classrooms for playing games / karaoke / Wii / hanging out / etc. Staff will be provided for this program and 1:1 support can be provided if deemed necessary. Where: Pick-up from I.C. Norcom High School OR Churchland Middle School OR Churchland High School OR William E Waters Middle School. Drop off at participants house Facility= FACT Autism Resource Center 3509 Virginia Beach Blvd Virginia Beach, VA 23452 When: Every Tuesday from after school to 6:00pm with transportation, pick-up, and drop off services in Portsmouth How: FACT will provide light refreshments, staff, transportation, support and supervision.
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