Your recorded audition should be NO LONGER THAN 10 minutes and please include either the following exercises for barre and center or exercises you are currently doing in your weekly class: Ages 8-10 Introduction: name, age, years, and place of study. Only one side of combinations at the barre and include: pliés, tendu, grand battement. In center: tendu, sauté in 1st position, changement, échappe, port de bras. Ages 10-12 Introduction: name, age, years, and place of study. Only one side of combinations at the barre and include: plié tendu, dégagé, ronds de jambe, passé relevé facing the barre. In center: tendu, adagio with developé or relevé lent, glissade, sauté 1st position, changement. If students have begun pointe, please include the following en pointe: At the barre – relevé in 1st and 5th positions, échappé, pas de bourrée, relevé passé. Attire: Women: leotard, tights, ballet shoes, pointe shoes. No skirts please or distracting embellishments. Men: black tights, a white t-shirt, and black or white shoes.
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