The After Care Program provides supervised activities from 3:15 pm - 6:00 pm daily for children in full-day programs. The fee for the full-year After Care contract is $6,000. A discount for this program is only available for Tuition Assistance recipients and will be applied at checkout during registration. Please enter the Extended Day code provided on your contract (if applicable) when checking out. The fee can be paid at checkout, or through a 1, 2 or 10-payment plan. After Care fees are non-refundable after June 1 and cannot be included in the Dewar’s Tuition Refund Plan coverage. The ACTIVE Refund program is available for purchase during the Extended Day registration process through the ACTIVE system. Late fees of $15.00 + $1.00 for every additional minute will be charged for late pick-ups after 6:00 pm and will be charged and paid for through your ACTIVE account. If unpaid late fees reach $100, your child will no longer be eligible for aftercare until the late fees have been paid. Please note: The River School’s nurse is not on campus during After Care Program hours, however, all River School staff members are certified in CPR and First Aid.
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