Winter Bucket List for Kids

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I've spent the majority of my life living in an area where winter equals three months of cold and snow. Well, let's be honest–it's more like five months. Sure, it can get dreary, but rather than hibernate like a woodland creature (though it's temping sometimes), all this winter exposure has inspired me to change my attitude. No sense in being miserable and cooped up for almost half the year!

Make the long, cold days of winter fly by with this Winter Bucket List full of great activities to keep the whole family active. You'll all have a blast checking off every item before the seasons change.
Build a Snowman
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After you top him off with a hat and scarf, decorate him with birdseed for the birds to enjoy, too.
Build a Snow Fort
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It's really the best way to hold off your opponents during a snowball fight.
Go Sledding
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No sled? Tubing is another awesome way to zip down snow-covered hills.
Make Snow Angels
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Celebrate a fresh snowfall with this time-honored tradition.
Blow Bubbles and Watch Them Freeze
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This one will really blow your mind (no pun intended).
Go Ice Skating
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Indoors or out, ice skating is great exercise for everyone.
Learn How to Snowshoe
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Make Snow Ice Cream
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Take a Sleigh Ride
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Play Hockey
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Host an informal game with friends, or join a local team.
Learn How to Ski or Snowboard
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We have tips to take you from novice to snow bunny in no time.
Go Snowmobiling
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This speedy suggestion is reserved for the older members of the family.
Go Camping
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Camping's great all year 'round, but winter makes for special adventures–even if you're camping in your own backyard.
Measure the Snowfall
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Check it every time it snows, and keep a growth chart throughout the winter.
Have a Snowball Target Contest
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Why not keep score, put a few chores on the line and make it interesting?
Dine Outside
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Bundle up to roast hot dogs over an open fire, or take a thermos of hot chocolate on a winter afternoon walk.
Shovel a Neighbor's Driveway
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Not only will the kids get some exercise, but the neighbors will be thrilled.
Find a Winter Fun Run in Your Area
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Don your warmest active wear, and join in the fun at a local run!